With Raffaele Paganini
Compagnia Daniele Ciprianiani
and Pink Floyd Legend
Maître de ballet
Stefania Di Cosmo
Assistant choreographers
Miki Matsuse
Stefania Di Cosmo
Riccardo Di Cosmo
Pink Floyd Legend
Bass, voice
Fabio Castaldi
Guitar, vocals
Alessandro Errichetti
Emanuele Esposito
Guitar, vocals
Simone Temporali
Acoustic/electric/12-strings guitar, bass, vocals
Paolo Angioi
with Maurizio Leoni
Nicoletta Nardi, Daphne Nisi, Giorgia Zaccagni
Produced by
Daniele Cipriani Entertainment s.c.
Menti Associate di Gilda Petronelli
co-produced with
Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini di Jesi
Choreographer and director
Micha van Hoecke
Musical direction
Fabio Castaldi
Costume designer
Anna Biagiotti
Lighting designer
Alessandro Caso
Maurizio Capitini
Live music by
Pink Floyd Legend
Compagnia Daniele Cipriani
Soloists and ballet Rebecca Storani, Mattia Tortora, Davide Bastioni, Francesco Cipriani, Francesco Curatolo, Maria Vittoria Frascarelli, Ilaria Grisanti, Mattia Ignomiriello, Noemi Luna, Sebastiano Marino, Chiara Ranca.
The choreographer/director Micha Van Hoecke drew on the Pink Floyd’s music for such a rock opera. The psychedelic sound and fascinating lyrics of the legendary English band will be performed by the Pink Floyd Legend led by Fabio Castaldi and recnognized as one of the best interpreters in all Europe of Pink Floyd’s music. The protagonst, the étoile Raffaele Paganini, will be onstage with the young and energetic ‘alter ego’ Mattia Tortora and with the talented members of the Compagnia Daniele Cipriani.
The timeless songs of onk Flyd, connecting rock and classical music, had been the soundtrack of Micha van Hoecke’s youth and, as he stated, a “soulful music connected to everyone’s inner youth in the collective imaginary”. The starting point of the project is the famous song Shine on You Crazy Diamond through which the four members of Pink Floyd – Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Richard Wright and David Gilmour – payed homage to their friend Syd Barrett, lost in the unkown parts of the “moon”- metaphorically intended as mentall illness. Syd is interpreted by Raffaele Paganini, étoile of Balletto dell’Opera di Roma; “After my long absence from the scene, I return onstage as well as smiling once again” states Raffaele Paganini – “I per-fect-ly see myself in the role of Syd: it was written in the stars that one day I would have performed in SHINE Pink Floyd Moon.”
“It is my autobiography telling the life story of every man”, stated Micha van Hoecke, “lives proceeding in cycles through a circular movement as music and, dancing stars and the moon do: a motion marked by a continuous process of birth-death-rebirth. Life is the matter of dreams narrated by Shakespeare, a fabric that is continuously warped, weaved, torn out and weaved once again. In SHINE! Pink Floyd Moon, poetry and fantasy become the wepon to fight the dominating matrialism as well as the contemporary shadows and powers at play.”
A year and a half after the passing of Micha van Hoecke, SHINE! Pink Floyd Moon, re-edited by Micha’s assistant choreographer and wife Miki Matsuse and by Stefania Di Cosmo, the spiritual will of the Russian-Belgian choreographer constitutes a work of vivid hope, represented by the flickering flame of Syd/Paganini englightening the darkness.
Simonetta Allder